Wednesday, October 2, 2019

hello all

I know I havent been uploading any new content but I did start a podcast. Feel free to help support me. There's a lot of great content that will be going happening on this podcast and I'm open to interacting with my listeners.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Cool Elevator Hack

Have you ever been late to class or even to a meeting? If yes, then this hack is for YOU...... This hack has been used by the police for them to get up the elevators fast.

As a college student who hates being late to anything, I don't like to use the elevator due to the long waiting line and I also have the fear of getting stuck in one. Getting stuck in elevators used to happen more frequently but they've been fixed so it doesn't happen as often. I believe this elevator hack will benefit me in many ways, but if it works, I'll definitely be using the elevator more often.....

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

One of those days

We all have those kinds of days where you want everyone to leave you alone. Or better yet, On the outside, you're as happy as a clam but on the inside you're edge of suicide. Simple positive thought could help you reduce that stress or anger. As a typical human, I do experience anger quite a lot but I used to always have fortune cookies in my bag to open up to see what positive note is waiting for me. One day, I noticed that what I popped out of a fortune cookie wasn't positivity at all, it was just how to say a word. Since then, I've began to have my family, strangers, friends, and I write positive thoughts and I kept them around my house for when I needed them. You never know  who you can help by passing a positive note along.  And sometimes the little note is on point and it makes you wonder, "how did this person know". It's truly a great little thing to do.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

This is me trying to boost my self confidence.

 I really want to work at Buzzfeed. For those who don't know what it is, Buzzfeed is kind of news outlet that their articles can be about literally anything. It has been my dream to work here and I believe that I can make it there, especially with what my major is. I believe that I can. I believe that I will. I know that I can tackle anything that life throws at me because it will  make me stronger. Working at Buzzfeed would be an honor because I am a talented and creative  writer. I do understand that life doesn't always work how you want it to or even how you would expect it to but I have great hopes for this. My original goal was to be a Vet Technician and work at an animal hospital and have my own TV show like Dr. Pol. He inspired me to want to try to do great things. Over the past few years, I've had so many animal experiences that I will treasure forever. Like the time that I rescued a kitten and the time that I helped an owl until it was able to fly again. I know those were very dangerous and risky but for the special love for animals that I have, it was worth every ounce. With this said, I know I am more than capable to tackle anything that life throws at me. It's up to me how it will be dealt with.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Who HATES getting up?

 This is another awesome invention but it makes me wonder, Who will faithfully use this. This is an alarm clock floor mat called Ruggie. This mat can be placed anywhere on the floor and you  can set your alarm and it will only go off when you stand on the mat with all of your body weight for a few seconds. There are pros and cons to this. Pro: You will wake up on time and this alarm will remain on until you get out of bed and stand on it. Con:  I'm pretty sure it's not waterproof so it cannot be put in your bathroom or anything.  This rug could be a start to a great day, a great day equals a happy you. Who really hates being all tired, down, and gloomy.

Besides using this mat to help you wake up, if you're a busy mom with little ones around this mat could help you with cooking or baking.

 Imagine this: You have a six month old and a five year old and you as a mom are constantly watching them to make sure they don't get hurt in any way. So its getting close to dinner time and you prepare this amazing casserole and right as you're about to pop in in the over, you hear your six month old cry. As a mom, you go to see what's wrong with your child. But before you go you want to put the food in the over. (Here's where Ruggie comes into play) You have this alarm clock run in your bathroom and you get this great idea to use that as a timer. You are to cook your dish for an hour, all you need to do is set your alarm for an hour and BOOM. You don't have to worry about rushing yo make sure you cooked your dish for an hour, you will hear your alarm that you set. How's that for mind blowing coolness.

Ruggie could be the "new thing" but it all depends on how many people like it. This lovely piece of merchandise ranges between $99 to about $416 and it comes with cables and a little booklet on how to use it.
I personally wouldn't mind trying it out, If anyone gets this produce, please tell me about it.

 Also feel free to leave comments about what I should blog about next.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Trickster medicine sippy cup

 There is a Sippy cup designed to trick kids into taking their medicine without a problem. The cup has a secret spot right under the lid, so the medicine goes down first, then follows the juice. I imagine as being a parent, one of the hardest things is having kids take their medicine and eating their food. When the time comes to time for a child to take their medicine, it is the struggle of a life time because the child does not like the taste of the medicine. Parents are willing to do just about what ever it takes for their children to properly take their medicine without a hassle.

I asked two children how cough syrup tastes to them and what is it like when they are forced to take it by their parents and here is what these goofy children had to say. To the first child I asked, What does cough syrup taste like to you? The child said "cough syrup tastes like a poison juice in a poison cup". My next question to the child was, When your mommy gives you your medicine, how do you feel about it? The child replied and said," I don't want to take the poison medicine because it taste gross". The child is 5 years old and thinks cough syrup is poison.

I asked the second child the same exact question and the reply I received was," it is just plain stomach churning and it tastes revolting" This child is 12 years old. Now I was tempted to ask the parents about how they felt about the cough syrup but I don't think the answers world be appropriate. Personally, growing up, I was always sick and my grandparents always mixed my medicine with food. When I grew up and my grandparents stopped mixing my medicine, I thought they were trying to poison me. Seems funny but I was scared, I said "But I thought you guys loved me, why are you trying to get rid of me?". They laughed, of course. If I could have used the sippy cup medicine dispenser, I believe that taking medicine would be much easier today.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

I lost my cookie!!!

    Have you ever eaten a dry cookie,and wanted mild to go with it? After you get that glass of cold milk and you dunk that cookie I it,and you go to take a bite and you see that most of your cookie is in the bottom of your glass of milk. 😱 That is a cookie's worst nightmare.Thanks to Kiana Lynn (the creator of The Dunkin' Buddy) we now will not have any trouble dunking our cookies.The cookie dunker is a magnetic and a magnetic cup. No more drowning cookies. The magnet goes in the outside of the cup while the cookie holder goes inside the cup.